Source: Danica Crewing Services
Original Date Posted: 6/16/2020
Ship operators are doing all they can to ensure the safety of seafarers around the globe and the trade of vital food and supplies – but these important measures are proving costly as well as tricky. Danica Crewing Services recently placed a crew of 19 of Ukrainian and Filipino nationality on to a vessel and the necessary pandemic-related procedures cost some $10,000 USD, which the shipowner had to cover. The charges included Covid-19 PCR tests of all crewmembers, as well as additional local transport, hotel accommodation and food allowances as the test was not available in the seafarers’ home town. They had to travel to another city to get the test done and wait there for the result before they could travel, gaining additional ‘fit-for-travel’ medical certificates too, as required by the authorities in the joining port.